参考自: http://www.sitepoint.com/data-structures-3/ (Published July 22, 2013)
heaps 大概翻译成垛比较好吧,意思是许多、一堆(但不是stack的堆),heaps有几种类型,这里介绍一种叫做 binary maxheap : (binary:因为只有且必须有两个子节点、maxheap:因为任何父节点都比子节点的值大)。所以我的理解是它很像Tree,但是相比Tree而言,还有既定的顺序等。
- 新建,即新建一个heap
- isEmpty,即检查是否heap为空
- insert,即向heap添加一个项目 - extract,即从heap中移除最顶端的那个项目下面的代码实现了一个heap:
class BinaryHeap{ protected $heap; public function __construct() { $this->heap = array(); } public function isEmpty() { return empty($this->heap); } public function count() { // returns the heapsize return count($this->heap) - 1; } public function extract() { if ($this->isEmpty()) { throw new RunTimeException('Heap is empty'); } // extract the root item $root = array_shift($this->heap); if (!$this->isEmpty()) { // move last item into the root so the heap is // no longer disjointed $last = array_pop($this->heap); array_unshift($this->heap, $last); // transform semiheap to heap $this->adjust(0); } return $root; } public function compare($item1, $item2) { if ($item1 === $item2) { return 0; } // reverse the comparison to change to a MinHeap! return ($item1 > $item2 ? 1 : -1); } protected function isLeaf($node) { // there will always be 2n + 1 nodes in the // sub-heap return ((2 * $node) + 1) > $this->count(); } protected function adjust($root) { // we've gone as far as we can down the tree if // root is a leaf if (!$this->isLeaf($root)) { $left = (2 * $root) + 1; // left child $right = (2 * $root) + 2; // right child // if root is less than either of its children $h = $this->heap; if ( (isset($h[$left]) && $this->compare($h[$root], $h[$left]) < 0) || (isset($h[$right]) && $this->compare($h[$root], $h[$right]) < 0) ) { // find the larger child if (isset($h[$left]) && isset($h[$right])) { $j = ($this->compare($h[$left], $h[$right]) >= 0) ? $left : $right; } else if (isset($h[$left])) { $j = $left; // left child only } else { $j = $right; // right child only } // swap places with root list($this->heap[$root], $this->heap[$j]) = array($this->heap[$j], $this->heap[$root]); // recursively adjust semiheap rooted at new // node j $this->adjust($j); } } } public function insert($item) { // insert new items at the bottom of the heap $this->heap[] = $item; // trickle up to the correct location $place = $this->count(); $parent = floor($place / 2); // while not at root and greater than parent while ( $place > 0 && $this->compare( $this->heap[$place], $this->heap[$parent]) >= 0 ) { // swap places list($this->heap[$place], $this->heap[$parent]) = array($this->heap[$parent], $this->heap[$place]); $place = $parent; $parent = floor($place / 2); } } }
$heap = new BinaryHeap();$heap->insert(19);$heap->insert(36);$heap->insert(54);$heap->insert(100);$heap->insert(17);$heap->insert(3);$heap->insert(25);$heap->insert(1);$heap->insert(67);$heap->insert(2);$heap->insert(7);
Array( [0] => 100 [1] => 67 [2] => 54 [3] => 36 [4] => 19 [5] => 7 [6] => 25 [7] => 1 [8] => 17 [9] => 2 [10] => 3)
while (!$heap->isEmpty()) { echo $heap->extract() . "n";}
PHP内置的heap: SplMaxHeap and SplMinHeap
class MyHeap extends SplMaxHeap{ public function compare($item1, $item2) { return (int) $item1 - $item2; }}
PHP内置的heap: SplPriorityQueue
class PriQueue extends SplPriorityQueue{ public function compare($p1, $p2) { if ($p1 === $p2) return 0; // in ascending order of priority, a lower value // means higher priority return ($p1 < $p2) ? 1 : -1; }}
$pq = new PriQueue();$pq->insert('A', 4);$pq->insert('B', 3);$pq->insert('C', 5);$pq->insert('D', 8);$pq->insert('E', 2);$pq->insert('F', 7);$pq->insert('G', 1);$pq->insert('H', 6);$pq->insert('I', 0); while ($pq->valid()) { print_r($pq->current()); echo "n"; $pq->next();}
// extract just the priority$pq->setExtractFlags(SplPriorityQueue::EXTR_PRIORITY); // extract both data and priority (returns an associative// array for each element)$pq->setExtractFlags(SplPriorityQueue::EXTR_BOTH);